
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Engvall, G., Ångström-Brännström, C., Mullaney, T., Nilsson, K., Wickart-Johansson, G., Svärd, A.M, . . . Lindh, V. (2016). It Is Tough and Tiring but It Works-Children's Experiences of Undergoing Radiotherapy. PLoS ONE, 11(4). (link)

Mullaney, T., Olausson, K., Sharp, L., Zackrisson, B., Edvardsson, D., & Nyholm, T. (2015). The influence of a department’s psychosocial climate and treatment environment on cancer patients’ anxiety during radiotherapy. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. doi:10.1016/j.ejon.2015.06.009 (link)

Ångström-Brännström, C., Engvall, G., Mullaney, T., Nilsson, K., Wickart-Johansson, G., Svärd, A.M... Lindh, V. (2015). Children Undergoing Radiotherapy: Swedish Parents’ Experiences and Suggestions for Improvement. PLoS ONE, 10(10): e0141086. (link)

Mullaney, T., Pettersson, H., Nyholm, T., Stolterman, S. 2012. Thinking Beyond the Cure: A Case for Human-Centered Design in Cancer Care. International Journal of Design, 6(3), 27-39. (pdf)

Book Chapters

Mullaney, T. (2015). "Suspending Reality: A disruptive approach to designing transformative experiences." In Benz, P. (Ed.), Experience Design: Concepts and Case Studies. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic. 151-158.

Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings

Mullaney, T., and Stolterman, E. 2014. Why design research practice is not design practice as we know it. DRS2014: Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Conference. Umeå, SW. (pdf)

Mullaney, T., Yttergren, B., Stolterman, E. 2014. Positional acts: using a Kinect™ sensor to reconfigure patient roles within radiotherapy treatment. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI ‘14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 93-96. (link) Awarded Honorable Mention

Mullaney, T. 2013. Lab, Field, Showroom, and Design Experiments. NORDES’13: Experimenting with Design Experiments Workshop. Malmö, SW. 

Mullaney, T., Pettersson, H.,  Nyholm, T. 2012. System, Site, Patient: A Three-Tiered Methodological Approach to Constructing Holistic Understanding of the User through Design Research. In Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. 

Mullaney, T. 2012. Probing the Patient Experience. DIS 2012: Designing Wellbeing Workshop. Newcastle, UK. 

Mullaney, T., Nyholm, T., Edvardsson, D. 2011. Wellbeing in Healthcare Environments: A Human-Centered Design Research Approach to Improving the Cancer Patient Experience during Radiation Therapy. In Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Design 4 Health. Sheffield, UK. (pdf

Mullaney, T. 2011. Emotional Wellbeing and Radiotherapy: A Methodological Approach to Improving the Patient Experience. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design, Doctoral Consortium. Eindhoven, Netherlands. (pdf)

Mullaney, T. 2010. Designing for Durable Relationships with Products. In Proceedings from the 7th International Conference on Design & Emotion. Chicago, IL, USA.


vårdFOKUS, March 10, 2016. (link)
Oncologi i Sverige, March 8, 2016. (link)
 June 29th, 2012. (pdf)
Cancervården, November 1st, 2012. (pdf)
DagensMedicin, November 9th, 2011. (pdf)
Form Magazine, Volume 231, March/April 2010, pp.32-43. (pdf)
core77, July 13, 2009. (link)